by John Shelton | Dec 11, 2014 | Sharks, Skates, Rays, Sturgeons, Species ID
Round Stingray – Urobatis halleri. Round stingrays are also known as round rays. Identifying Characteristics and Biology Smooth, round body with varying colors of brown and gray in mostly mottled shades. Underside belly is white or light in color. Range and...
by John Shelton | Dec 11, 2014 | Croakers, Sea Trout, DPFishCo, Saltwater Finfish, Species ID
Black Croaker – Cheilotrema saturnum. These fish also go by the names Chinese croaker, croaker, and Mamselle noire (French). Identifying Characteristics These fish have silver bellies with dark hues of brown, copper, and sometimes purple and blue on their backs...
by John Shelton | Dec 11, 2014 | DPFishCo, Saltwater Finfish, Species ID
Banded Guitarfish – Zapteryx exasperate. Other common names include prickly skate, striped guitarfish, and mottled guitarfish. The genus name comes from the Greek za, meaning intensive, and pteryx, meaning fin, in reference to the vertical fins being...
by John Shelton | Dec 5, 2014 | DPFishCo, Saltwater Finfish, Sardine, Species ID
Pacific Sardine – Sardinops sagax Identifying Characteristics Cylindrical, elongated bodies. Backs range in color: blue/green, olive-green, tan. White/silver bellies. 1 to 3 series of dark spots down the middle of the backs. Again, the problem is often cialis...
by John Shelton | Dec 5, 2014 | Species ID
Yellowtail – Seriola lalandi dorsalis, from the Carangidae (Jacks) family. Identifying Characteristics and Biology Elongated body, with a tapered mouth, conical head, and deeply forked tail. Silver belly, with olive to navy on top. There is a dark...
by John Shelton | Dec 4, 2014 | Crab, Crustaceans, DPFishCo, Seafood, Species ID
Snow Crab – Species: C. opilio. Common names: Snow crab, opilio. tanner crab. The spe levitra online from indiat will analyze your condition and experience your past restorative history. The nerve ending on the tip the buy levitra of penis. And, the...
by Renee Shelton | Sep 7, 2014 | DPFishCo, Fishing, Food Safety, Safety, Scorpionfish, Seafood
Marine Envenomation Marine envenomation is the resulting poisoning that comes from a sting from a venomous fish or sea animal, such as lionfish, jellyfish, sea urchins, and sting rays. These stings range in seriousness depending on the animal from very mild to lethal...
by John Shelton | May 30, 2014 | DPFishCo, Flatfish, Saltwater Finfish, Species ID, Turbot
Diamond turbot. Species: Hypsopsetta guttulata. Common names: Diamond turbot, turbot, diamond flounder, flounder. Identifying Characteristics and Biology Diamond turbots are right-eyed flat fish with an overall diamond-shape. The top side ranges from light green, to...
by John Shelton | May 20, 2014 | Bass, DPFishCo, Species ID
Genus/Species: Paralabras nebulifer. Other names: sand bass, sandy, kelp bass, California sand bass. Identifying Characteristics and Biology Greenish to gray with heavy dark bars. The smaller fish are typically more brightly colored. Most sand bass...
by John Shelton | May 10, 2014 | Bass, DPFishCo, Species ID
Calico Bass (Kelp Bass) – Paralabrax clathratus. Common names: Calico bass, kelp bass, cabrilla. Identifying Characteristics and Biology Fish caught over sandy/rocky areas will sometimes be very light with lots of white and contrasting brown. Fish caught...