Ciguatera and Ciguatoxin

Ciguatera and Ciguatoxin

What is Ciguatera and Ciguatoxin? Ciguatoxins are poisonous compounds naturally produced by dinoflagellates, Gambierdiscus toxicus, which are microscopic organisms. These organisms are eaten by reef fish from tropical and subtropical waters. Also, carnivorous tropical...
Scombroid Fish Poisoning

Scombroid Fish Poisoning

Scombridae is the family name of the fish associated with Scombroid fish poisoning. While the name comes from the family name of fish closely associated with scombroid poisoning, non-scombroid fish can be affected. Fish that are susceptible to scombroid poisoning...
Spotties on the Bay

Spotties on the Bay

Fishing for spotted sand bass, Paralabrax maculatofasciatus, throughout Southern California harbors and bays can be one of the most enjoyable types of fishing available to California anglers. Better known as the spotted bay bass, “spotties” are one of the most...