by John Shelton | Dec 11, 2014 | DPFishCo, Rockfish, Saltwater Finfish, Species ID
Rosy Rockfish – Sebastes rosaceus. Rosy rockfish is also known as rock cod, Pacific snapper, red snapper, and Pacific ocean perch. Identifying Characteristics These fish have orange-red to purple-yellow bellies, with purple with red and orange on their backs....
by John Shelton | Dec 11, 2014 | DPFishCo, Rockfish, Saltwater Finfish, Species ID
Halfbanded Rockfish – Sebastes semicintus. Identifying Characteristics Halfbanded rockfish are colored dark pink on the top and silver pink on the bottom. They have two prominent and distinct dark blotches on either side of the body. The caudal and dorsal fins...
by John Shelton | Feb 19, 2014 | DPFishCo, Rockfish, Saltwater Finfish, Species ID
Kelp Rockfish – Sebastes atrovirens. The kelp rockfish is also known as dumb bass and rocot (Mexico). Identifying Characteristics and Biology Spiny head, with large pectoral fins. Pink-brown coloring, olive-gray to olive-brown, with darker...
by Dana Point Fish Company | Feb 7, 2014 | DPFishCo, Rockfish, Saltwater Finfish, Species ID
Scorpaenidae The rockfish family, Scorpaenidae, includes the sculpin and the channel rockfish. There are about 60 species of rockfish on the Pacific coast of North America and at least 50 of these are found in California. They are very similar in general appearance...