by John Shelton | Dec 27, 2014 | DPFishCo, Perch, Saltwater Finfish, Species ID
Blacksmith – Chromis punctipinnis. Identifying Characteristics and Biology Blue and gray at the sides, fading to gray at the belly. Younger ones are more brightly colored. They can reach a foot in length, max is 25 inches. However, there are certain side effects...
by John Shelton | Dec 27, 2014 | DPFishCo, Perch, Saltwater Finfish, Species ID
Black Perch – Embiotoca jacksoni. Also known as pogie and butterlips. Identifying Characteristics The black perch are colorful fish that have a grouping of large scales found just below the pectoral fins. The coloring is brown to red with green and gray, most...
by John Shelton | Dec 27, 2014 | DPFishCo, Perch, Saltwater Finfish, Species ID
Barred Surfperch – Amphistichus argenteus. Other names for the barred surfperch are silver perch, surf perch, sand perch, and silver surf fish. Identifying Characteristics and Biology Barred Surfperch are oval with a compressed body with alternating gold to...
by John Shelton | Dec 23, 2014 | DPFishCo, Saltwater Finfish, Species ID, Tilefish
Ocean Whitefish – Caulolatilus princeps. Identifying Characteristics and Biology Elongated fish with a small mouth. Long, fairly even, continuous dorsal fin that is unnotched. Long anal fin with two spines at the front. Coloring is brown on top and the sides...
by John Shelton | Dec 23, 2014 | DPFishCo, Saltwater Finfish, Species ID
Treefish – Sebastes serriceps. Identifying Characteristics and Biology Sudh Shilajit is collected from the foothills brand cialis price of sacred Himalayas. Males, who ejaculate semen volume less than 1 minute is...
by John Shelton | Dec 23, 2014 | Bass, Basses, Groupers, DPFishCo, Saltwater Finfish, Species ID
Spotted Bay (Sand) Bass – Paralabrax maculofasciatus. The spotted bay bass is also called bay bass, spotty, and spotted sand bass. Identifying Characteristics and Biology Elongated and compressed body shape with a large mouth and slightly protruding lower...