by John Shelton | Feb 21, 2014 | DPFishCo, Flatfish, Saltwater Finfish, Sanddab, Species ID
Species: Ccitharichthys sordidus. Other common names: Mottled sanddab, Catalina sanddab, soft flounder, sole, sand dab, megrim. Identifying Characteristics and Biology Pacific sanddabs are in the Bothidae family, the left-eyed flounders, where their eyes are...
by Dana Point Fish Company | Feb 20, 2014 | DPFishCo, Mollusks, Oysters, Seafood, Species ID, Univalves, Bivalves
Oyster List Location Notes Canada Chef’s Creek Canada – BC – Baynes Sound Fluted Shells; Sweet, Briny Coode Island Canada – BC – Malaspina Inlet Cortes Island Canada – BC – Cortes Island Briny; Fruit...
by John Shelton | Feb 19, 2014 | DPFishCo, Species ID
Species: Trachurus symmetricus. Other names: Spanish mackerel, jackmackerel, jackfish, California jack mackerel. Identifying Characteristics and Biology Jack mackerels are metallic blue to green to olive-green on their backs, and silvery-colored below and...
by John Shelton | Feb 19, 2014 | DPFishCo, Rockfish, Saltwater Finfish, Species ID
Kelp Rockfish – Sebastes atrovirens. The kelp rockfish is also known as dumb bass and rocot (Mexico). Identifying Characteristics and Biology Spiny head, with large pectoral fins. Pink-brown coloring, olive-gray to olive-brown, with darker...
by John Shelton | Feb 17, 2014 | DPFishCo, Flatfish, Halibut, Saltwater Finfish, Species ID
California Halibut – Paralichthys californicus. Other names: chicken halibut, Southern halibut, flatties. Identifying Characteristics and Biology The California halibut is a flat fish – with eyes on one side of the head. This species is unique in...
by John Shelton | Feb 13, 2014 | DPFishCo, Species ID
Dorado, Dolphinfish, Mahi Mahi – Coryphaena hippurus. Common Names: This fish is called by a number of names: dorado (West Coast SoCal and Mexico); dolphinfish (East Coast and much of U.S.); mahi mahi (Hawaii), and shiira (Japan). Identifying Characteristics and...