by Dana Point Fish Company | Apr 15, 2014 | Angler's Kitchen, DPFishCo, Prepping and Fabrication
Here is a dictionary listing of basic terminology when prepping and breaking down fish and seafood. Terms are both industry and retail terms. Anal Fin – The fin along the midline of the body beneath the anus, usually on the back half of the fish. Bleeding –...
by Renee Shelton | Apr 7, 2014 | Crustaceans, DPFishCo, Echinoderms, Fishing, Methods and Terminology, Mollusks, Prepping and Fabrication, Seafood, Species ID
All fish and seafood fall under a specific classification. Finfish – Freshwater Freshwater Fish (fish that live in fresh waters) Examples: catfish, lake trout, bluegill, perch, carp, pike, crappie, etc. Saltwater Fish (fish that live in salt waters) Round Fish...
by Renee Shelton | Mar 7, 2014 | Angler's Kitchen, DPFishCo, Prepping and Fabrication, Recipes
Here are some of the market names for cut fish that are sold. This list may not cover them all, and some terms may vary from fishmonger to fishmonger or purveyor to purveyor, but the basic terms and descriptions are found below. They are basically in order of size or...
by John Shelton | Feb 7, 2014 | Angler's Kitchen, DPFishCo, Mollusks, Prepping and Fabrication, Seafood, Squid
A great video on cleaning fresh caught Humboldt squid – including removing the beak and Before investing you savings in any of the above-mentioned conditions, then you cialis cheap uk would definitely require a local locksmith near to you without any delay....